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Friday, May 14, 2010

Bangkok violence escalates

Violence in Bangkok has escalated with troops opening fire on rioting Red Shirt anti-government protestors, once again turning the Thai capital into a battlefield.
On Friday, the so-called Red Shirts seized and vandalized several military vehicles, and set at least one truck on fire.
The television channel France 24 said one of its correspondents was shot in the leg while reporting on the unrest. A Thai photographer was also reported to have been shot.
However most of the streets in the conflict area were empty of civilians. The United States Embassy, which is in the protest area, was shut down and offered voluntary relocation to employees. Other embassies in the area also closed, as did schools and businesses.
Protest leaders addressed thousands of people who have camped in the downtown area for weeks, demanding that the government resign and hold new elections.

Violence in Bangkok has escalated with troops opening fire on rioting Red Shirt anti-government protestors, once again turning the Thai capital into a battlefield.
On Friday, the so-called Red Shirts seized and vandalized several military vehicles, and set at least one truck on fire.
The television channel France 24 said one of its correspondents was shot in the leg while reporting on the unrest. A Thai photographer was also reported to have been shot.
However most of the streets in the conflict area were empty of civilians. The United States Embassy, which is in the protest area, was shut down and offered voluntary relocation to employees. Other embassies in the area also closed, as did schools and businesses.
Protest leaders addressed thousands of people who have camped in the downtown area for weeks, demanding that the government resign and hold new elections.
